
свет имя существительное:
свет (shine, light, glow, world, color, society)
светило (light, luminary, star, lamp)
освещение (lighting, illumination, light, lightening, irradiation)
освещенность (illumination, light, luminosity)
огонь (fire, light, flames)
источник света (light, illuminant, radiant)
просвет (clearance, light, clear, road clearance, rift, headroom)
светофор (traffic light, lights, light)
дневной свет (daylight, light)
пламя (flame, fire, blaze, light)
озарение (illumination, irradiation, light, afflatus)
просветление (enlightenment, light)
видимость (visibility, appearance, seeing, semblance, facade, light)
окно (window, casement, gap, light)
аспект (aspect, facet, side, phase, light, complexion)
иллюминация (illuminations, illumination, light)
интерпретация (interpretation, exegesis, light, exegetics)
умственные способности (intelligence, mind, brain, capacity, mentality, light)
постановка вопроса (light)
знаменитость (celebrity, notability, eminence, notoriety, luminary, light)
информация (information, info, data, communication, intelligence, light)
сведения (intelligence, information, data, info, light, showing)
зажженная свеча, лампа и т.п. (light)
светить (shine, light, beam, lamp, beacon)
зажигать (light, light up, kindle, ignite, burn up, strike)
зажигаться (light, light up, strike)
освещать (illuminate, light, light up, lighten, illumine, elucidate)
загораться (light up, light, ignite, catch fire, fire, catch)
растопить (melt, kindle, light)
растапливать (melt, light, thaw)
сходить (descend, go down, step off, go off, come off, light)
садиться (sit down, take, set, board, have a seat, light)
неожиданно обрушиться (light, light upon)
падать (fall, drop, tumble, go Down, sink, light)
запалить (set fire, kindle, light)
неожиданно натолкнуться (light, light upon)
опускаться (go down, fall, descend, DIP, drop, light)
случайно напасть (light)
имя прилагательное:
легкий (easy, light, lightweight, slight, mild, gentle)
светлый (light, bright, blond, blonde, luminous, fair)
световой (light, photic)
незначительный (minor, light, insignificant, small, slight, little)
слабый (weak, weakly, low, feeble, faint, light)
облегченный (lightweight, facilitated, light, lightly built, palliated)
легковесный (light)
чуткий (sensitive, light, responsive, thoughtful, tender, understanding)
воздушный (air, airy, ethereal, aerial, overhead, light)
легкомысленный (frivolous, careless, giddy, flippant, puerile, light)
бледный (pale, light, WAN, faint, pallid, white)
веселый (cheerful, merry, gay, glad, hilarious, light)
нетяжелый (light)
пустой (empty, blank, idle, vacant, unoccupied, light)
рыхлый (loose, friable, doughy, soft, lax, light)
некрепкий (light)
необременительный (light)
неплотный (loose, incompact, light, untight, lax)
быстрый (fast, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy, light)
несерьезный (not serious, lightweight, childish, futile, light, windy)
подвижный (mobile, agile, motile, fluid, spry, light)
нетрудный (easy, toilless, light)
распущенный (licentious, libertine, dissolute, dissipated, disorderly, light)
хорошо поднявшийся (light)
чувствующий головокружение (dizzy, light, light-headed)
неударный (weak, unaccented, light)
легко (easily, easy, light, readily, lightly, simply)
налегке (light)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "light" в других словарях:

  • Light — (l[imac]t), n. [OE. light, liht, AS. le[ o]ht; akin to OS. lioht, D. & G. licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuha[thorn], Icel. lj[=o]s, L. lux light, lucere to shine, Gr. leyko s white, Skr. ruc to shine. [root]122. Cf. {Lucid}, {Lunar}, {Luminous},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • light — light1 [līt] n. [ME liht < OE lēoht, akin to Ger licht < IE base * leuk , to shine, bright > Gr leukos, white, L lux & lumen, light, lucere, to shine, luna, moon, Welsh llug, gleam] 1. a) the form of electromagnetic radiation that acts… …   English World dictionary

  • Light — Light, a. [Compar. {Lighter} (l[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Lightest}.] [OE. light, liht, AS. l[=i]ht, le[ o]ht; akin to D. ligt, G. leicht, OHG. l[=i]hti, Icel. l[=e]ttr, Dan. let, Sw. l[ a]tt, Goth. leihts, and perh. to L. levis (cf. {Levity}), Gr …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • light — Ⅰ. light [1] ► NOUN 1) the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible; electromagnetic radiation from about 390 to 740 nm in wavelength. 2) a source of illumination. 3) a device producing a flame or spark. 4) (lights) traffic… …   English terms dictionary

  • Light Me Up — Студийный альбом The Pretty Reckless …   Википедия

  • Light Me Up — Álbum de The Pretty Reckless Publicación 27 de agosto de 2010 (ver Lanzamiento en el mundo) Grabación agosto de 2009 abril de 2010 …   Wikipedia Español

  • light — [adj1] illuminated ablaze, aglow, bright, brilliant, burnished, clear, cloudless, flashing, fluorescent, glossy, glowing, lambent, lucent, luminous, lustrous, phosphorescent, polished, radiant, refulgent, resplendent, rich, scintillant, shining,… …   New thesaurus

  • Light — Light, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lighted} (l[imac]t [e^]d) or {Lit} (l[i^]t); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lighting}.] [AS. l[=y]htan, l[=i]htan, to shine. [root]122. See {Light}, n.] 1. To set fire to; to cause to burn; to set burning; to ignite; to kindle; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Light Up — (Japanese:美術館 bijutsukan ) is a binary determination logic puzzle published by Nikoli. As of 2006, two books consisting entirely of Light Up puzzles have been published by Nikoli.Rules Light Up is played on a rectangular grid of white and black… …   Wikipedia

  • Light — Light, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lighted} (l[imac]t [e^]d) or {Lit} (l[i^]t); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lighting}.] [AS. l[=i]htan to alight orig., to relieve (a horse) of the rider s burden, to make less heavy, fr. l[=i]ht light. See {Light} not heavy, and cf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Light — (l[imac]t), a. [AS. le[ o]ht. See {Light}, n.] [Compar. {Lighter} (l[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Lightest}.] 1. Having light; not dark or obscure; bright; clear; as, the apartment is light. [1913 Webster] 2. White or whitish; not intense or very… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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